
Welcome weary travelers

Digital artist

Hewwo! I’m kadala1 but you can call me kad. I'm currently working on three stories that I hope to make into future webcomics and/or animated shows. my pronouns are she/they.

Fursona/mascot: Kadala

A Hybrids Soul

Genre: action/modern fantasy

A 17 year old hybrid human goes to a different island to intern for a school full of children. The strange thing is they aren’t human. While she is starting out a group of strange people lurk in the shadows planning on what to do next. They hear news about the hybrid and apparently she is a shapeshifter. The leader in desperate need of a power source for their army they realize the true power that the future young adult holds.


Genre: a slice of life/ science fiction

Two twins slowly find out the horrible past of the company their town adores. With the help of Julius, Delilah, and Shaman they learn more about the company's shady former practices. With that, that doesn't mean there aren't consequences, human hybrids and a certain man try to stop the young adults from learning more.

Character info

The one eyed apprentice

Genre: fantasy/adventure

Amelia is a young 15-year-old cyclops going to visit her auntie smiles as it was recently discovered that she was able to do magic. But Amelia hasn't seen her aunt in years and has heard many rumors about the “curse” that burdens her aunt. But when Amelia does see aunt smiles she sees a young woman who just wants to spend time with her niece and teach her how to control her abilities. But the more Amelia practices her magic the more she realizes how powerful she truly is, almost as powerful as a light magician. Because of this dark magicians come to try and convince Amelia to join their side. Hijinks ensue and miss smiles have to face her past once again.

©kadala1. All rights reserved.